
When a user supplies funds to the protocol, they receive rTokens. We use the following formula (as per EIP 4626) to calculate the number of tokens minted to the user.

rTokensnew=Assetnewā‹…rTokenstotalAssettotal rTokens_{new} = \frac{Asset_{new} \cdot rTokens_{total}}{Asset_{total}}

The formula uses existing total rTokens supply and Total asset supply to decide the quantity of rTokens to be minted as per the user deposit.

Assettotal=Asset.balanceOf(contract)+Assetslent+InterestaccruedAsset_{total} = Asset.balanceOf(contract) + Assets_{lent} + Interest_{accrued}

// Definitions
Assets_lent => Assets borrowed by borrower contract to issue loans to the user
Interest_accrued => Interest recievable by suppliers since last update

The contract exposes the following features for user and open contracts to interact with:

  1. User: Technically, a user can usually perform 3 main actions with supplier contract: Deposit, Withdraw & Transfer. User can further use the received rTokens as collateral to borrow or stake to earn higher yield.

  1. Open: The supply contract provides special privileges to the Open contract to allow it for some book-keeping. These options include:

  • Accrue the interest

  • Lock/unlock supply - to prevent the transfer of collateralised supply

  • Transfer & withdraw supplied funds on the users behalf - to liquidate the loan

  • Borrow and repay - to utilise funds to issue & close loans

Last updated